MP Tweet List is a free WordPress plugin that displays your most recent tweets in any widgetized area of your website.

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Need troubleshooting? Want to make a suggestion for improvement? Comment Below

== Description ==

The MP Tweet List allows you to easily display your most recent tweets, with support for multiple Twitter accounts – with no Javascript or Flash.

This plugin will add a widget that can be used in any widgetized area in your theme. It is fully customizable, allowing you to choose the widget title, how many tweets to display and which user’s tweets to display. It also allows you to choose whether or not to convert @mentions, #hashtags and links independent of eachother.

This plugin supports up to two Twitter users at the same time. Many blogs and websites have multiple authors and you may want to display two users’ tweets that is where the MP Tweet List comes in handy. If you only want to display one Twitter user, simply leave the second user field blank.

The widget does not require any javascript or external files to work. It generates pure HTML lists.

As of June 11th, 2013, Twitter ended the use of its API 1.0 which allowed access to tweets without authentication. The Twitter API 1.1 requires authentication to access tweet data and therefore only Version 3.0 or greater of the MP Tweet List will continue to work.

== Installation ==

1. Upload the mp-tweet-list directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. On the Settings page for the Plugin, follow the simple step-by-step process to create a Twitter app and set-up authentication.
4. Drag the MP Tweet List Widget into any widgetized area on your theme.
5. Configure Widget options.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Can I display x number of tweets from user1 and y number of tweets from user2?
At the moment, no. This plugin will evenly distribute the number of tweets displayed. For example, if 10 is selected – user1 will show 5 tweets and user2 will show 5 tweets. If 9 is selected – user1 will show 4 tweets and user2 will show 4 tweets.

Tweets are no longer showing up on my website, why?
Please upgrade to Version 3.0 due to Twitter API changes.

== Screenshots ==

MP Tweet List Admin Menu

== Changelog ==

= 4.1 =
* PHP 7.2 compatibility warnings fixed

= 4.0 =
* Adds option to remove direct replies from the feed
* Adds option to display the tweet timestamp to the feed

= 3.1 =
* Checks if Twitter OAuthException is already declared before declaring it (for better compatibility with other plugins)

= 3.0 =
* Makes use of Twitter API 1.1’s OAuth authentication.

= 2.0 =
* Changed method of gathering tweets to cURL, to better support shared server environments

= 1.0 =
* Initial Release

MikesPickz Web Solutions, Inc. is proud to provide WordPress Plugins and Themes to users at no cost. Any donations are greatly appreciated and will allow us to continue to develop into the future.


  1. Andrew Rundle-Keswick

    Will future version give an options to display the date of the Tweet?

    • Mike

      Hello Andrew,

      Yes, the next version is currently in development and it will allow you to display the Tweet’s timestamp.

      Thanks for using the MP Tweet List,


    • Mike

      Hello James,

      Is your website hosted on a shared server? The Twitter API rate limits non-authenticated requests based on IP address, which would be the same for every website on the same server. I would rollback to the previous version until the next version (due first week of March) is released. The next version will use authenticated requests which will correct the problem.


  2. Dennis

    How do I exclude direct mentions (tweets that start with “@name”) to show up in my widget?

    • Mike

      Hello Dennis,

      As of version 1.0, there is no way to exclude your tweets that start with “@name”

      I like the idea of being able to remove them, and I will be adding this feature to a new version. Look for the update via your admin panel by the end of next week (3/23).

      Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback,


    • Mike

      Hello Carrie,

      I apologize for the delay, for some reason your comment was marked as spam for me.

      That error simply states that the plugin couldn’t load Twitter’s website to grab your tweets. It is not a plugin issue that I can fix, unfortunately.

      Thanks for using the MP Tweet List,


    • I’m afraid I’m getting the same message:

      Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request in /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage21/am/be/rc/ on line 156

      Is there any way we can help to link the plugin to Twitter?

  3. Hello Mick. I’m Americo from Rome, Italy. I have a problem with your plugin, MP Tweet List. I was trying it on my blog ( ) and for test I have insert your tweet account MikesPickz. But I don’t see your tweet on my homepage but only your username. Why? How I can fix it? Sorry for my english and thanks for your work and your plugin. Have you a nice day.

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